I've heard it said that when you meet the right person, you just know it. There has never been a person, however, who was able to follow that up with how you know it. I have asked this question to every happy couple I know. Most recent was Kyle.
He met Corinne on Valentine's day, doing a run - something they both love doing. Seventeen months later, they were married. I've known Kyle for some time. He has been through many relationships, always in search of "the one". So, when he found her, I was hoping for an answer to my question that was a bit more filling. It was a feeling, he would say then add that he can't describe it other than to say, he "just knew".
Although I've never experienced that feeling, I think I get it now. In August, I met a man as a result of my travels through the midwest. He is unlike any man I've known or dated. We were virtual strangers when we met but I was comfortable with him. I knew he wouldn't harm me but how? There is something about who he is - unpretentious, uncomplicated, witty - that puts me at ease. He is unphased by much. He doesn't put on airs but I believe he wants to impress me. Just when I think he is no more than a friend, he says something that melts my heart. He's weathered from years of farming with eyes sharpened by the sun yet his touch is gentle, his caress is soft. Sometimes he says something so random, I want to pull my hair out. Other times his sentiment makes my heart flutter and my body temp rise. The littlest things about him make me smile.
He is the turtle in my rabbit life. He is consistent as an hour glass. He hesitates for fear of being hurt yet wears his heart on his sleeve. He laughs easily, cherishes touch, has a healthy imagination. He's no push over, no softie, no door mat. He doesn't hold back his opinion but keeps it tempered. He's a rough and tumble country boy who likes to snuggle. He will stand against anyone who means to harm his beloved but crumbles at her touch. He is Chuck Norris tough but can write the most beautiful poem, for her eyes only.
Who is this man? And why did our paths cross at this stage in life? In a few short hours, I will leave my home to be with him in his. To experience life on the prairie and to see if everything we experienced during our first encounter was real. I'm excited to see him even though I know that when the time comes to leave, my life will be forever changed. When it is time, I will either dread coming home or I will be ready. I feel I know the answer but only time will tell.