At 45 years of age, you'd think I would have learned all I'd need to learn for my life. That is not the case as I've come to realize over the past week alone.
My friend has 4 kids who I watch on occasion. I love them all. Lately, I've been spending time with her 3 year old who is smart beyond her years and just as sassy. She says things that make me shake my head, wondering how a little thing like her can be capable of such big thoughts. She never ceases to amaze me.
I was off work last Monday, getting much needed things taken care of. I ran into my friend and her daughter at the park. "Little" wanted to come to my house and "party". Is it ok, my friend asks. Of course its ok. So, my plans of intense house work were altered slightly but I roll with it. After 6 hours of the whys and whats and can I's, I was worn out by the time she goes home. In addition, she asked to watch a DVD while she ate. I made the mistake of letting her watch on my laptop and she ended up spilling milk on/in it. Urgh. It stopped working and didn't kick on for 12 hours. Even now, some of the letters will stick. But, it works and gets me by. Thankfully, I have no midterms or theses to write.
Being with her that day showed me how much I had grown over the years. Having been raised by a temperamental parent, I grew up to be very impatient and heavy handed. Any mistake made by another would incite anger. That was all I knew as a child. As much as I thought I wanted children in my 20s, I whole-heartedly believe that I would not have been a good, loving, unconditional parent. Worse, I would have raised my kids the way I was raised and that thought alone scares me. I know that I will not likely ever have my own children so I am thankful for those God puts in my life.
Another "Aha!" moment came today when I was at Ed Hook's house. Ed is an elderly widowed neighbor. He is a good and godly man who is alone. He stopped by one night to chat with me recently and mentioned looking for a cleaning woman for 2 hours a week @ 10/hr. I assumed he was offering that to me so I accepted, without pay. Chalk it up to being a labor of love. He is very grateful for my time there. Like I told him, if I knew my dad lived alone and so far from me, I'd be happy knowing there was someone who kept an eye on him. So, that is my job with Ed. And I do it gladly.
Today, when I was at his house, I realized that if I were married, the chances of me having the time to do this would be nil. I probably wouldn't have thought of it, to be honest. Not that a husband would be all-consuming but that my focus would be on him, our life together and our home but I don't know how Ed would've fit into that equation.
In being single, I am able to be "auntie Susie" to the Millers or Ed's cleaning lady. Just think of all of the precious moments I would have missed had my life taken a different path. The thought really boggles my mind yet offers even more proof that I am where I am meant to be. Praise God!
James 1:2 - "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
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