Sun setting In Cuzco, Peru

April 3, 2011


It has been 2 weeks since my last blog which I can't believe.  Why?  Well, I haven't been using up my 5000+ daily spoken words otherwise and if I haven't been writing, where did they go?

Well, I don't think I had anything to write about.  I hurt my back doing Crossfit so I haven't been working out.  My eating has been ok, too.  I do have to admit that since I saw nutritionist Linda and have been eating her way, I don't crave sweets like I used to.  I don't feel thinner and my clothes don't feel any better but my sweet tooth has gone on vacation and that is a good thing.

Despite the stuff or lack thereof that is going on in my life, I am amazed at how God is meeting me right where I am - at church, in my sore back, in my refrigerator.  He is everywhere if I choose to look for Him.  When I am sad that I have no friends, a thoughtful text appears on my phone or on Facebook.   When I am lonely, my parakeet, Spirit, calls to me from her cage, wanting to be let out so she can  preen me and sing to me.  When I wish to be in a relationship, I hear of yet another couple heading for divorce.  When my back issue gets me down, I have a day of reprieve and am reminded of how healthy I really am.  When my life begins to feel mundane, my Ireland "room mate" Suzette sends me an Email loaded with things that make me laugh and anxious for this trip.

I often forget just how blessed I am.  Although my life feels empty sometimes, I realize just how full it really is.  It may not be my idea of full - kids, a spouse, a noisy/busy house- but its good enough for now.  And soon the time will come to shed this skin and put on a new one. 

Lord, prepare me for that day.  Help me to see how all of these experiences are merely tools to use for another time.  And that its ALL good. 

1 comment:

  1. you are amazing & it's awesome you are finding Him in all of the little things. you are the BEST.
    love you lots, dear friend of mine!
