Sun setting In Cuzco, Peru

December 31, 2012

Looking ahead

Here we are, New Year's Eve. Another year gone and another about to begin. After a wonderful week in Montana, I am home nursing a cold.  Tonight, it will be Chinese food, movies and Tucker.  And maybe a hot toddy to help me sleep.

I started out last year with one word that I could focus on to help me through the year. That word - FAITH - played a bigger role than I ever thought possible. I needed my faith in God to get through some tough situations, unexplainable events and dark days.

2012 took me to 6 states: Montana, Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and Indiana.  It brought me together with old and dear friends in Chicago and California, renewing my spirit. I got my dog exactly one year ago, at a time when I wasn't sure I was ready for another.  Despite all of the challenges of adopting a rescue dog and questioning keeping him, he makes me laugh and is so devoted to me.  My life would be plain without him and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I met a man I hoped was "The One" only to find out he wasn't. His words were music to my ears as he spoke of honor, protection, unconditional love. They were what I loved most but they weren't enough to overcome his transference of issues. But I believe he came into my life for reasons unknown. Maybe to renew my faith in good men?

My dad went to heaven in August.  I was able to spend time with him before he left and I am so thankful for that. As difficult as it was, I know that all that I had gone through in previous years helped me get through this. Had it not been for those events, I'm not sure I could have sat by his bedside and waited with him as he lay dying.

As I continue to press into God in faith, I welcome a new year of HOPE - hope for better days, for happier times and for my last first date.

May God bless us all and bring us peace.

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