I'm amazed that after 2.5 years in Living Waters, I still have a lot to learn. I am actually grateful that my time isn't being wasted because I already know it all. God has definitely used this time to stir up my stuff and teach me even more lessons.
In December, one of our group leaders decided she needed to leave our group. This was told to us by group leader #2. I could tell it affected her probably as much as it affected me. She was very kind and gracious about the news. I was not. We used our time to talk about the changes that would occur. I voiced my protest, making it known that it was NOT ok for leader #1 to leave us. You see, leader #1 was also my group co-leader during my first LW year. So, my first thought was, "Not again" followed by "why does she keep doing this (to me)?" Wow. Big words from one who knows it all, right? At the time, leader #2 gave no explanation other than #1 decided it was best to leave due to personal reasons. What a bunch of crap! If you're not ready to lead, then don't sign on. But don't earn the trust of your group, expect them to be honest and vulnerable with you then leave. That's not ok. I was angry and my group knew it. Worse yet, we would get a new co-leader - a woman who didn't know us and hadn't earned our trust.
I carried that anger toward #1 for 3 weeks. When we finally met again, I was indifferent toward her and I didn't care. After the lesson, we went to our usual spot for group. #1 came in and wanted to talk with us, to explain why she needed to step back. If you can picture a child who is being made to do something they don't want to do, arms folded in protest, then you have seen me. I didn't care what she had to say, it didn't matter. #1 went on to explain her deeply personal struggles and how they were interfering with her ability to lead. What she said was sincere and honest. She could not have been more vulnerable or transparent and I felt like a jerk. She tried to make eye contact with me but all I could do was avert my eyes in shame... my shame over my lack of grace toward her. She left the room saying she loved us and would continue to pray for us. At that moment, I realized I still had so much to learn.
After leader #2 introduced our new co-leader, we did our usual checking in with everyone. First, Elaine then Ana then me. At my turn, thru tear filled eyes, I asked to be excused. #2, in her understandingly kind and loving way, said, "you're coming back, right?" I nodded then left the room, in search of #1. I could not face my group until I had made things right in my heart. I needed to make things right with her. I needed to confess my sin against her. I needed to ask for her forgiveness for my anger and judgment.
When I approached her, she looked surprised to see me and asked if #2 knew I had left. Her concern was for our group and I appreciated that. I explained what I had been feeling over the past 3 weeks and how I was mad at her. I told her I held a grudge against her for leaving me again and how I was determined not to forgive her, no matter what. I told her how her humility showed me that I still have far to go. As she graciously put her arms around me, I told her I was sorry and so very wrong to judge her. I asked for her forgiveness which she gave. Then I made the long walk back to my group, ready to disclose my sins to them and ask for God's forgiveness.
I thank God for forgiveness. I thank Him for grace. I thank Him for showing me that I still have a long way to go in becoming the person He created me to be. And I thank Him for the opportunity to do so.
"Amazing grace. How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found. Was blind but now I see."
Susie, you are my hero! To take the step to go & confess to #1 is amazing, I would've just suffered in silence (why am i not back in LW?). You are doing some great work, I'm so proud to be your friend! ps. way to kick some major booty in your Xfit...you are my hero times double! LOVE YOU LADY!