I was recently invited to join a woman's bible study group that meets every other Thursday. They are studying Beth Moore series called Living Beyond Yourself.
Anyone familiar with Beth Moore knows she is a kick in the pants. She's a big haired fireball from Texas who is a total straight shooter with a side of comic relief thrown in. And she uses real, every day examples from her life to make her points. So far, I like her.
The series so far has addressed living in the Spirit. Our daily prayer is to ask God to fill us with His spirit and to confess. I'm not sure what that will look like or why I need to ask it but I'm trying it out.
Confession is hard. Why is that? I don't have anything big to confess but there sure are a lot of little things like judgment, anger, jealousy. Confessing is a daily reminder that I am a sinful person and far from perfect but sometimes its hard to acknowledge that and it hurts. I sometimes wonder if that is the reason I am single - so I can become more Godly and less human. The more I try to understand who I was created to be, the less I like who I am. I know I need to change but how? With God's help and His grace, I can be who He wants me to be. Speak to me, Lord. Tell me how to be you and not me.
I'm open to suggestions.
umm I want in on that bible study. I am impressed with your willingness to pray hard prayers and keep facing into your stuff. You are incredible sweet friend.